Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Dust Storm

Today's picture is from 1935, and it shows a dust storm hitting Stratford, Texas. Helps you see why they called it the dust bowl. Several of you had commented that while we are having a drought in West Texas, many of you are enjoying record rainfall. I think the problem is that we have a high pressure system over the area, and we need something like a hurricane in the gulf to clear it out.


I had mentioned that Lovie and Miss Kitty Co-Sat on one big nest of peacock eggs, and that the babies hatched out yesterday. Well, the big question was how they would sort things out as to which babies belonged to which mama. It appears that they have things worked out and came up with a fair split. Lovie got 7 of the babies, and Miss Kitty got one.

The funny thing is that Lovie will be sitting on 7 of the little peachicks, and Miss Kitty will have one, and then Miss Kitty will move a little to adjust, and the one baby will run over and dive under Lovie. This Miss Kitty goes over and makes the clucking Mama Peacock noise trying to coax her ONE baby back out. I wonder if the babies just liked Lovie more, or if she did something to coral them.

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