Sunday, September 4, 2011


Good Sunday Morning to you all. I bet after the mystery person contest yesterday you thought this week's theme would be on the opera. Well, you would be wrong. This week we will be exploring the glamorous side of smoking. Understand that this glamorous part just lasts a short while. Then you start smelling bad, your face shrivels up, and you end up with various dehabilitating lung disorders and coronary disease. However, for the first few cigarettes, there is a glamorous side, as illustrated in the picture above, taken in 1902.


OK, the big thing going on around here is that the Lovely Ms. EAM is preparing to depart for Africa. In fact, she will be leaving tomorrow. She has  raised the support she needs to get over there, have food for six months, and get back. In addition, she will be  taking several thousand dollars in medical equipment over there to have a good start on equipping a simple clinic. Many thanks to the great generosity of  visitors to this site who helped make this work possible. She will depart for Dallas/Fort Worth airport tomorrow. The airport is some 5 hours away, so Mrs. PJM and I will drive her to the airport. 

I was pleased to find that there are five construction workers from here that will be going to Mattaw tomorrow as well. They will go over, build a new house for a new batch of kids, and then come home. She will be traveling on the same itinerary as them, and they will help ensure she gets there safely. 

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