why I'm doing this first? coz some people (that play Daiteikoku) coming here looking for ITH guide... and I just don't feel right to not posting about the game ... ehehe
and btw, this is not one of the best eroge Alicesoft ever made... -_-
many people are disappointed by this game...
but well, I do enjoy posting it (not playing it though ... ehehe)
sa.. let's start
and btw, this is not one of the best eroge Alicesoft ever made... -_-
many people are disappointed by this game...
but well, I do enjoy posting it (not playing it though ... ehehe)
sa.. let's start
Full Cover
Release : 2011/04/28Kanji : 大帝国
Romaji : Daiteikoku (BIG EMPIRE)
Genre : SLG, RPG
File Size : 2.43 GB
Developer:Alice Soft
no matter what others developer said, ALICESOFT is EROGE maker!
and there's Rance here ^^
Question: "what is the trick to avoid Rance? He attacked me once when I conquered a few states of Russia, but after Russia defeated Germany. He didn't appear anymore."
Answer: You can avoid Rance simply by NOT attacking Hawaii,Arabia,or the 2nd Russian territory above japan BEFORE turn 30. If you avoid him, beware that warp gate part 2 WILL NOT show up, and your ending choices will be limited."
Answer: You can avoid Rance simply by NOT attacking Hawaii,Arabia,or the 2nd Russian territory above japan BEFORE turn 30. If you avoid him, beware that warp gate part 2 WILL NOT show up, and your ending choices will be limited."
Years before the Universe was United, small Human fractions dotted parts of the vast Universe. Individual States were established and navigating to other areas of the Solar system required a few hundred years. Contact with other countries was virtually impossible.
Soon the Eris Empire noted the strange stars that existed in the space region. As their Research advanced, they discovered that these stars can move instantly from one area to another area.
Labeling it the “Warp Gate” This allowed many stars systems that had been isolated to make first contact with each other and so began the Age of Discovery.
Through some aggression and conquest, repeated destruction and submission, the Nations began to build civilizations from one star to the next.
The “Star field network Diagram” – Became the New World Map.
In 939 AD Space unity.
Nations asked why the leaders of the three powers are seeking power.
The National Eris Empire Council is the worlds largest empire able to restore the world order and suppress chaos.
Imperial Japan was the world's oldest nation, and worn out during the prolonged war with the Chinese empire, it is the largest one being targeted.
History daiteikoku version
Character Movie
source: here
Great Japan Empire - not much to say, protagonist Togo Tsuyoshi, based on famed Japanese navy admiral Togo Heihachiro (1904-1905 Russo-Japanese War).

Mikado, Empress of Japan

Aeris Empire (Great Britain) - throughout the vast colonies of the Aeris Empire, governors are mistreating the natives (read Apartheid) and revolts escalating. The bishoujo queen of Aeris is desperately trying to hold her decaying empire from falling apart.

Sarah Britain - Queen of Aeris

Dokutsu 3rd Empire (Germany) - suffered humiliation in the previous war, and is now led by a genius blond teenage girl motivated to restore honor. She is groomed by her propaganda minister lady to be a popular idol.

Lydia Adolf - President of 3rd Reich

Human Unified Organization Soviet (Soviet Union) - A silver-haired loli (Catherlin chan = Catherine the Great + Stalin?) toppled imperial Russia, and founded the Human Unified Organization. She wants to make everyone in the world equal…

Catherlin - chairwoman of Human Unified Org

Gamerican Republic (America) - ruled by a puppet president, manipulated by a secret society (read Freemason) formed by the super rich beautiful gals.

Minor Factions:
Italin Republic (Italy)
Ofrance Kingdom (France)
Chinese Empire
Nordic Union
Kingdom of Spain
Ottoman Empire? (Turkey)
Various colonies (India, Malaysia, Vietnam, Kanya, South Africa, Canada, etc)

actually the generals/admirals guide
guide from Alicesoft
MF by Jii-san
well, your troops are larger and stronger...
TA helper Script
help you to play the game smoothly (I mean by using TA + TA helper)
Custom Admirals
from hf
level god viris: http://www.mediafire.com/?6ne8omn688d10fe
seyadatara: http://www.mediafire.com/?giyg67iyv4w5vl4
Mouri Teru: http://www.mediafire.com/?fwfe51xilblauct
Lisna: http://www.mediafire.com/?poc5lkbl5tl02if
Isorokufrom rance series: http://www.mediafire.com/?6drryyffd461d6m
Kira Yamato from Gundam SEED, http://www.mediafire.com/?jkz3ggsspgrb1da
Shiho Hahnenfuss from Gundam Seed, http://www.mediafire.com/?rbj0fg3ibsrrroa
Senhime (rance) : http://www.mediafire.com/?6sd4pazrukma8pa
Masou Shizuka from Rance:http://www.mediafire.com/?dc3qyzp25t9ki94
Kameira from Rance:http://www.mediafire.com/?32n4ajh3xqawm93
Anise from Rance : http://www.mediafire.com/?pl3qnpbwl0c2d39
Beat Blades Haruka, Alice:http://www.mediafire.com/?papyt3dl5bd332z
Generic female admirals:http://www.mediafire.com/?marx6yub5ec3dyb
Uesugi Kenshin from Rance:http://www.mediafire.com/?1718y7ih5e9u9ql
Core route violated heroines:http://www.mediafire.com/?sy2zwhrq00j0cjk
Yoshika Miyafuji (Strike Witches? NSFW): http://www.mediafire.com/?on111y7ek094o9i
moar Custom Admirals
Vaan (FFXII) NobunagaKino (Kino no Tabi), Kouji Kabuto (Mazinger Z) Kira and Arthrun (Gundam Seed)
if you're wondering what the hell with this custom generals, see Charl below ^^

Charlotte custom savefile: http://www.mediafire.com/?r6484x6a4jaw4qv
Ending List
I think it's not complete, coz my friend got another ending which not listed there
History daiteikoku version
Character Movie
source: here
Great Japan Empire - not much to say, protagonist Togo Tsuyoshi, based on famed Japanese navy admiral Togo Heihachiro (1904-1905 Russo-Japanese War).
Mikado, Empress of Japan
Aeris Empire (Great Britain) - throughout the vast colonies of the Aeris Empire, governors are mistreating the natives (read Apartheid) and revolts escalating. The bishoujo queen of Aeris is desperately trying to hold her decaying empire from falling apart.
Sarah Britain - Queen of Aeris
Dokutsu 3rd Empire (Germany) - suffered humiliation in the previous war, and is now led by a genius blond teenage girl motivated to restore honor. She is groomed by her propaganda minister lady to be a popular idol.
Lydia Adolf - President of 3rd Reich
Human Unified Organization Soviet (Soviet Union) - A silver-haired loli (Catherlin chan = Catherine the Great + Stalin?) toppled imperial Russia, and founded the Human Unified Organization. She wants to make everyone in the world equal…
Catherlin - chairwoman of Human Unified Org
Gamerican Republic (America) - ruled by a puppet president, manipulated by a secret society (read Freemason) formed by the super rich beautiful gals.
Minor Factions:
Italin Republic (Italy)
Ofrance Kingdom (France)
Chinese Empire
Nordic Union
Kingdom of Spain
Ottoman Empire? (Turkey)
Various colonies (India, Malaysia, Vietnam, Kanya, South Africa, Canada, etc)
actually the generals/admirals guide
guide from Alicesoft
MF by Jii-san
well, your troops are larger and stronger...
TA helper Script
help you to play the game smoothly (I mean by using TA + TA helper)
Custom Admirals
from hf
level god viris: http://www.mediafire.com/?6ne8omn688d10fe
seyadatara: http://www.mediafire.com/?giyg67iyv4w5vl4
Mouri Teru: http://www.mediafire.com/?fwfe51xilblauct
Lisna: http://www.mediafire.com/?poc5lkbl5tl02if
Isorokufrom rance series: http://www.mediafire.com/?6drryyffd461d6m
Kira Yamato from Gundam SEED, http://www.mediafire.com/?jkz3ggsspgrb1da
Shiho Hahnenfuss from Gundam Seed, http://www.mediafire.com/?rbj0fg3ibsrrroa
Senhime (rance) : http://www.mediafire.com/?6sd4pazrukma8pa
Masou Shizuka from Rance:http://www.mediafire.com/?dc3qyzp25t9ki94
Kameira from Rance:http://www.mediafire.com/?32n4ajh3xqawm93
Anise from Rance : http://www.mediafire.com/?pl3qnpbwl0c2d39
Beat Blades Haruka, Alice:http://www.mediafire.com/?papyt3dl5bd332z
Generic female admirals:http://www.mediafire.com/?marx6yub5ec3dyb
Uesugi Kenshin from Rance:http://www.mediafire.com/?1718y7ih5e9u9ql
Core route violated heroines:http://www.mediafire.com/?sy2zwhrq00j0cjk
Yoshika Miyafuji (Strike Witches? NSFW): http://www.mediafire.com/?on111y7ek094o9i
moar Custom Admirals
Vaan (FFXII) NobunagaKino (Kino no Tabi), Kouji Kabuto (Mazinger Z) Kira and Arthrun (Gundam Seed)
if you're wondering what the hell with this custom generals, see Charl below ^^
Charlotte custom savefile: http://www.mediafire.com/?r6484x6a4jaw4qv
Ending List
I think it's not complete, coz my friend got another ending which not listed there
Download Links
Folder = GameMegaUpload
credit goes to the uploader: Thanatos
credit goes to the uploader: Thanatos
at Filesonichttp://www.filesonic.com/file/858936134/Daiteikoku%20%28CG%29.rar
61 Mb, with 461 pics, size: 800x600
patch v 1.02 MF
please backup your files before patching... to avoid things that may affect the game
Update Contentsfiuh... it sure is tiring...
・Scout function implemented
You can scout the enemy planet information that is nearby to your controlled planet via Planet Information by clicking the Scout button which is added via patch.
・Emergency repair function implemented
During the Admiral list, you can restore admiral's HP by clicking the Emergency Repair button which will cost you some resources.
・Reconstruction function implemented
By using Technical point you can rebuild other buiding via Planet Information by clicking the buiding icon.
※However, Fish Market which is built on the planet can't be rebuild to other buildings.
・Save Shortcut function implemented
You can use F1 key to save the game when new turns begins and before the invasion battle initiated.
※Conversation scene unable to use this function.
・Save/Load Shortcut key added
During Battle Phase map, you can use F5 Key for Save and F6 Key for Load.
・Build/Sell battleship button added
It is possible to build/sell battleship when you arrange battleship for admirals by clicking the button located beside your available battleships.
・Fish available for new game
After clearing any ending, when you start a new game, you will be prompted wheter to include the fish that you gains during previous game play or not. Only 1 quantity for each type of fish is given.
・Admiral's status implemented
During Admiral list you can view where the admiral is, and the admiral is moved or not.
・Battleship status during assignation to admiral implemented
You can view the battleship's status you assigned to admiral via popup window.
・Enemy take damage meter implemented
When you enter the phase to select enemy to attack, indicator will prompt you which enemy can be OHKO or not.
・Self-made admiral available
To use this function, create a folder named [UserCharacter] under [SaveData] folder. In it you can insert your self-made admiral files into it.
※Please refer to Daiteikoku home page for more details about how to create admiral data.
・Event added
・Battleship added
・Event-trigger method fixed
・Scenario text fixed
・Berlin's battlefield setup changed
・Battle Effects fixed
・Admiral skill [超能力]'s effect didn't occur fixed
WARNING: 1.01 and earlier save game will not compatible with 1.02 patch, however the overall save game such as CG save, Event save and Fish save will works fine with 1.02
this post will be updated later... stay tune /cr/ fags ^^
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