Sunday, March 27, 2011

Side Saddle

Well, I see no one was successful on the Mystery Person Contest, so I declare myself the winner. I was surprised no one got it. It was Marriner Eccles, the first Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. The Fed Chairman decides how much money to print, so is probably a person actually more powerful than the president. I had intended to make this week "Bankster Week". Do you get it, Bankster, like Gangster, but about the Federal Reserve? I had intended to blow the lid off the secret societies and dark dealings behind the Federal Reserve, but after a little reflection decided it might not be safe to expose such a sinister system at this time. So, I decided to switch to Side Saddle week. Since I only have one Side Saddle picture, and I am using it today, I will have to make it Christoval, TX week.

The picture above was taken in my home town, Christoval, Texas in 1900. This is one of those pictures you have to click on to get a closer look. Notice that the two women are riding side saddle. Also notice the one woman is wearing a Colt 45 peacemaker, and cartridge belt.

I found a treasure trove of pictures of Christoval from the late 1800's and turn of the century. I am learning that this little town came about as close to being the iconic old west town of the movies as you are going to find. There was "flat rock" which was a hideout for the Black Jack Ketchum gang on the South Concho River. There is the "Head of the River Ranch" which was a hub of cattle ranching. There was a train depot in town, general store, blacksmith and much, much more. This week I will be sharing these pictures with you.

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