Sunday, February 27, 2011

Welcome to Gentleman Raider Week

We kicked off Gentleman Raider Week yesterday with the Mystery Person contest, which featured Rebel Raider John H. Morgan. Today, we feature the Confederate Raider General John S. Mosby, the famed "Gray Ghost" of the Civil War. Mosby raised a regiment of Confederate Raiders (or rangers, depending on your perspective) which was one of the most effective of the Civil War. He could operate deep behind enemy lines with impunity. He once kidnapped a Union General from his residence, and on another occasion visited Washington DC, and had a lock of his hair delivered to President Lincoln. Mosby lived up to a ripe old age, and did not die until 1916. In his later years he lived in California and enjoyed telling stories of his exploits to the neighborhood children. One of the those neighborhood boys was George S. Patton.

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