Saturday, February 26, 2011

[Touhou Music] SYNC.ART'S (download)

well, hello it's me again..
you should know... if I'm the one who do the posting
then it'll be touhou again..
actually I want to include this post on the Touhou fans made post
but because of some reason I made this post stand alone..
Ok let's start.....


what can I say, I just found this awesome circle just about a week ago..
I just can't stop thinking, why I didn't found it earlier.. eventhough I have already downloaded their album a long time ago...

I found out about this circle when I'm "Cleaning" old stuff from my laptop, and I found one touhou video which use their song as a soundtrack.. hearing that song.. I'm hooked.. and start googling and tadaaa.... now I'm sharing it to you guys...Oh yeah.. the download links is tested.. coz I'm downloading the album from that link

Let's start with My fav Album...
(C76) Hearth Chain

Well, this is the album which makes me like SYNC.ART'S.. I just find the song in this album is awesome...
Recomended song : 銀のめぐり, miko - Ever since…, 坂上なち - Green Grass Garden.

OK, the next second most favorited album..
(C79) Sweet and Fluffy
well this album is kinda different with the rest of the album, coz they use violin a lot.. and hell it's good...
Recomended song : 紅ノ葉, Hesitate

(C78) Tenga
well, they offer some great song.. but the whole album is just futsuu.. *futsuu=normal*
Recomended song : ツキヨニサラバ, Abusolute Demolition, wandering girl

(C77) White Magic
yeah.. I don't have word to describe this....
Recommended song : Forever cherryblossom, Emotional Rule, Let me be with you

Well let's come to the last album which I have heard

(C79) Attractor
Well, this album is rock and roll album.. they have many awesome gitar cover....
just as the title said, ATTRACTOR... it's really attractive
Recommended song: 悲しき光陰を駆ける, 月光悲譚, Magus Light

Well, that's all...thanks for reading... see you next time..

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