Sunday, December 26, 2010

Roundup Week

About the only thing I like better than Bandits is an Authentic Cowboy, so I would like to welcome you to Roundup Week here at OPOD. We will be looking at old pictures of a fading if not lost way of life . . . the Cowboy Way. This picture was taken in 1939 near Powder Springs, Montana. It was taken at the Three Circle Roundup camp. Notice the straps and buckles on the man's boots . . . these are to hold his spurs on. The furry things he is sitting on are his chaps. You can also see his lariat near his boots. He looks to be having some grub in the mess tent. Notice in the background large white bags on the table. These are probably flour, red beans, and maybe even rice. There was of course no refrigeration out on the range, so the cowboys diet consisted of meat (which was readily available from the herd) and things that could be made from dry ingredients . . . biscuits, tortillas, red beans, cornbread, and maybe rice.

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