Friday, December 31, 2010

Roundup Week Wrapup

Since tomorrow is Mystery Person Contest day, we wrap up Roundup Week with this photograph. This is another picture from 1939 at the Quarter Circle U ranch in Montana. If you look at the Cowboy's shirt pocket, you see a little round tab hanging out. This would be the tab on a pouch of Bull Durham tobacco. This was a little bag of cigarette tobacco, that had rolling papers attached. When I was growing up, just about all the cowboys, ranchers and farmers smoked Bull Durham. Store rolled cigarettes were a lot more expensive, so the guys would roll their own.

What is he eating you ask? Well, he is eating a Rocky Mountain Oyster. Don't know what a Rocky Mountain Oyster is?  . . . google it.

OK, I normally show photographs here, and not old lithographs, but when looking through photographs to use this week, I found this old lithograph of a cowboy. I really liked it, so wanted to share it with you today.

Just a reminder, tomorrow is Mystery Person Contest day. If you are a new visitor, this is how it works. I put up a picture of someone with no other information. Whoever figures out who it is first, wins. If no one figures out who it is in 24 hours, then I win. If I win, then I make a big victory breakfast, and flaunt it to the world. My Arch-Nemesis, the Evil Nate Maas usually plays, and has had some small degree of success in the past, but tomorrow will be the day I defeat him. Oh yes, tomorrow he will be defeated.

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