Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Francisco Madero

This week we are looking at Mexican Bandits, and in particular, the 1910 Mexican Revolution. The three key men in this revolution were Francisco Madero (pictured above), Emileano Zapata, and Pancho Villa. Zapata was the commanding general in the south, Pancho Villa the commanding general in the north, and Madero was more of a political leader. The revolution achieved early success, and Diaz was deposed, and Madero was made president. The picture above shows Madero early on in the revolution. I think his attire is fitting for a Mexican Revolutionary leader. I note, however he is not wearing a sombrero. Of potentially more concern is his total lack of visible firepower on his person. Perhaps these are early indicators of a problem.

Make note of Madero's appearance in the photo below, after he became president:

He is sporting a three piece business suit, with a watch chain. Certainly if I were Zapata and Villa, I would feel betrayed by this attire. Well, the whole purpose of the revolution, at least in the minds of Zapata and Villa was land reform. The land in Mexico was worked by the peons, but owned by a small group of families . . . almost an aristocracy. Zapata and Villa felt the peons should be able to own land. When Madero became president, he did not institute the anticipated land reforms, and the people felt betrayed. This did not end well for Madero.

In 1913 the military was totally frustrated with Madero and staged an overthrow of the Madero government. Madero's palace was overrun, he was captured and then executed.

Personally, I feel if Madero had remained more of a bandit and less of a politician, he would have had a better chance of holding onto power. After becoming president, he tried to form a coalition between the political class, the land class and the revolutionary movement. It ended in disaster for him.

Domestic Update:

Handsome Jack continues to try and get the attention of Lovie. The picture below shows Handsome and Lovie on the woodpile, with Juaquin in the backgroung.

After I took this picture, Handsome Jack jumps down off the woodpile and puts on quiet a show for Lovie.

Lovie still showed no interest. That is Miss Ivy June in the background, watching the show.

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