Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!


new year, new spririt... new things... better than 2010... go... but still... it is me who made this post... sigh...

From Vizarz:

From me:
Sakura, the immortal loli

This is from Dwi_Edge too

in the end, we look forward for your visit here anytime... anywhere... eh... sounds cliche?

CREW of CraneAnime wishes you a

one more year to the end of the world!!


Roundup Week Wrapup

Since tomorrow is Mystery Person Contest day, we wrap up Roundup Week with this photograph. This is another picture from 1939 at the Quarter Circle U ranch in Montana. If you look at the Cowboy's shirt pocket, you see a little round tab hanging out. This would be the tab on a pouch of Bull Durham tobacco. This was a little bag of cigarette tobacco, that had rolling papers attached. When I was growing up, just about all the cowboys, ranchers and farmers smoked Bull Durham. Store rolled cigarettes were a lot more expensive, so the guys would roll their own.

What is he eating you ask? Well, he is eating a Rocky Mountain Oyster. Don't know what a Rocky Mountain Oyster is?  . . . google it.

OK, I normally show photographs here, and not old lithographs, but when looking through photographs to use this week, I found this old lithograph of a cowboy. I really liked it, so wanted to share it with you today.

Just a reminder, tomorrow is Mystery Person Contest day. If you are a new visitor, this is how it works. I put up a picture of someone with no other information. Whoever figures out who it is first, wins. If no one figures out who it is in 24 hours, then I win. If I win, then I make a big victory breakfast, and flaunt it to the world. My Arch-Nemesis, the Evil Nate Maas usually plays, and has had some small degree of success in the past, but tomorrow will be the day I defeat him. Oh yes, tomorrow he will be defeated.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

(Some of) My personal favorite Twitter posts of the year

I guess I could say "my favorite tweets" but GOD HELP ME I fucking LOATHE the term "tweets." Just saying the word "tweets" cheapens us all.

ANYWAY, in lieu of some bullshit Year in Review crap or something like that, here are some of the Twitter posts I "favorited" (ugh, another awful construction; maybe Twitter is the Nail in the Coffin for the English language) and thought were funny and/or something.

Kate is a must-follow.

Jessica is Internet famous but still talks to me.

The inimitable Molls, with a dieting query.

Molls is pretty much gold 100% of the time.


More Renée.

That's a good point.

One more Molls.

I know what you mean.

I could also repost about 15 of Kanye's tweets here, but you've seen them all before. (For the record, cherub imagery and water bottle are my 2 faves.)

Keep up the good work, everyone!

Cowboys Around Campfire

Good Thursday Morning to you all! I hope you are enjoying roundup week as much as I am. I love these old photographs of real men living the Cowboy Way. This picture is  classic, and shows cowboys on the range, sitting around a campfire. I think perhaps part of the problem with our Nation today is too few men sitting around campfires. More cowboying, and less TV watching, I say.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Anime Review: TWGOK

still in the spirit of Christmas, yet CraneAnime make another review... this time about TWGOK (The World God Only Knows) even though the one who did it is me and our intel... haha...
me, Dwi_Edge: Red
our intel: Purple
Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai
- The World God Only Knows -


Keima Katsuragi, a second-year high school student, is an avid galge gamer. He is known on the Internet as "The Capturing God (落とし神 - Otoshi-gami)" for his legendary skills to be able to "capture" any 2D girl in games. However, in his actual school life, Keima is known as otamegane (オタメガネ), a derogatory portmanteau of the two words otaku (オタク) and megane (メガネ-"glasses").

At the start of the series, Keima receives an e-mail offering him a contract to "capture" girls. He accepts what is thought to be a challenge, and a demon from Hell nicknamed Elsee appears. She asks for his cooperation to help her in catching the runaway spirits. These spirits hide themselves inside the girls' heart, and Elsee suggests that the only method to force the spirits out is by "capturing" their hearts—making them fall in love and filling up the gaps which the runaway spirits hide in. Appalled by the idea, Keima refuses after clarifying to Elsee that he is only interested in "capturing" 2D girls and that he detests reality. Nevertheless, with the contract already accepted, Keima would have to help Elsee no matter what; if they fail, both Elsee and Keima would lose their heads.

Alternative Titles
English: The World God Only Knows
Synonyms: Kaminomi
Japanese: 神のみぞ知るセカイ



Type: TV
Episodes: 12 (Completed Season 1)
Producers: Manglobe
Genres: Comedy, Romance, Shounen, Harem
Vintage: 2010-10-06

Opening Theme:
"God only knows" by Oratorio The World God Only Knows

Ending Theme:
#1: "Koi no Shirushi (コイノシルシ)" by Ayana Taketatsu (ep 1-2)
#2: "Koi no Shirushi" by Aoi Yuuki (ep 3,5-6)
#3: "Tatta Ichi Do no Kisei (たった一度の奇跡)" by Tomo Sakurai (ep 4)
#4: "Happy Crescent (ハッピークレセント)" by Nao Toyama (ep 7)
#5: "Koi no Shirushi from Elsie" by Kanae Itou (ep 8)
#6: "Koi no Shirushi" by Nao Toyama (ep 9-10)
#7: "Koi no Shirushi" by Kana Hanazawa (ep 11)
#8: "Shuuseki Kairo no Yume Tabibito (集積回路の夢旅人)" by Hiro Shimono with Oratorio The World God Only Knows (ep 12)

Official Websites:


considering the spoiler fill in, our intel "wash out" the spoiler in this section, so just see it without any ill feelings Katsuragi (桂木 桂馬)
VA : Hiro Shimono

Age : 17
Birthday : 6 June
Class : 2-B
Height : 174cm
Weight : 53kg

Keima Katsuragi, the protagonist of the story, is a 17-year-old high school student attending Maijima High School Academy. At an early age, he acquired an obsessive interest in video games; now he is known as "The Capturing God (落とし神, Otoshi-gami)" in the gaming world for his legendary skills in "capturing" any girls in dating sims. But ironically, he is called otamegane (a derogatory portmanteau of the two words otaku and megane-"glasses") by almost everyone in his school due to his extreme devotion to videogames.
Despite himself saying he likes girls, it's the perfectly theoretical and beautiful girls of the game world that he prefers, not the girls in reality. His love for games is such that he even goes into withdrawal if he doesn't play games enough and he has the bad habit of locking himself in his room and playing games for days on end when he's depressed.
At the start of the series, Keima becomes a collaborator for catching runaway spirits when he replies to an instigative e-mail to his mail address in his PFP ( requesting his help to "capture" girls without knowing it was a contract from Hell, to which Elsee appeared and asked for his aid to "capture" girls in real-life. For each individual of the "Capture Targets"—a girl with the runaway spirit in her—Keima utilizes his analytical skills and experiences from dating sims to "capture" them. When he has figured out the final push needed to "capture" a girl (in both reality and games), he says the catchphrase "I can already see the ending". Whenever he isn't capturing runaway spirits, he is almost always seen playing video games on his PFP (a parody of Sony's PSP), which might explain his weak physique.

Also, despite the fact he even plays video games in class, he is still at the top of class in every subject. During a scolding of a teacher for his gaming habits, Keima reasoned that all would be fine as long as he aced all his exams; he then proceeded to do so, demonstrating a great academic ability. It is shown that Keima's analytical skills he utilises to "capture" girls is also applied by him in his studies, proven true when he flawlessly predicted the questions on the upcoming English test based on the teacher's personality and the examination extent. As the story progresses, his perspective of the "real world" girls becomes different. Nevertheless, he remains faithful to his "2D girls", in particular, a girl named "Yokkyun" who seems to be drawn in a parody style of famed visual novel Kanon.

His mastery and devotion to girl games was revealed to be way higher above than just average otakus. He is able to play six game at the same time with each of different screens with the activation of his 'Capturing God Mode'. His PFP breaks numerous times during the series, but later found that he actually has a lot of spare PFP hidden around his body. He frequently does lengthy lecture on various archetypes of characters and philosophies on capturing girls. However, he is completely ignorant to everything else, including real girls and their body, foods and even his own life.
[SPOILER ALERT] de Lute Irma (エリュシア・デ・ルート・イーマ)
VA : Kanae Itou

Job : Private Household Demon
Age : 300
Birthday : 14 March
Class : 2-B
Bloodtype : ? (O-type character)
Height : 159cm (with bun)
Weight : 44kg
BWH : 83-58-84

Primarily known as Elsie (エルシィ), Elsea is a demon who was assigned to capture evil spirits that have escaped from hell and is the Deuteragonist of the story.
She is shown to have a very sweet, pure and innocent personality and often tries to please Keima's expectations as a "little sister" though often fails due to the cultural differences between them and how her endeavours usually leave Keima in a bad situation. She is fairly popular among young males, apparently more people (primarily boys) began coming when she began working in the family's cafe, such that Keima's mother once had her dress as a maid to attract more customers on the ground that no-one could resist her when she's wearing it (from the reactions around her while she's wearing it and after she takes it off it can be inferred to be true). Her feather cloth (the floating scarf she is always seen with) can change the appearance of an object, create disguises to aid the mission or it can hide people in plain sight. She is left-handed and is rarely seen without her broom, which she had for 298 years, as it was from her original role as a cleaner for hell. She reveals that she has an older sister that was very famous and was known as the "Demon of Demons". Ironically, despite being a demon, she is shown to have an incredible fear of ghosts and the dark.

To stay close to Keima, she tells Mari, Keima's mother, that she is an illegitimate child of Keima's father (nearly getting his parents divorced), and ends up living in the Katsuragi household as well as attending the same class in school.
[SPOILER ALERT] Takahara (高原 歩美)
VA : Ayana Taketatsu

Job : Track-and-field Club Girl
Age : 17
Birthday : 2 May
Class : 2-B
Bloodtype : O
Height : 158cm
Weight : 50kg
BWH : 84-60-85

An athletic, cheery girl in Keima's homeroom at school; Ayumi is a member of the school's track-and-field team. She is an exceptional runner and was chosen as the representative for the upcoming tournament.
[SPOILER ALERT] However she was pressured by jealous third-year runners, causing her to fake an injury in order to back out of the tournament. Keima, who was able to see through the deception, consoled and encouraged her not to give up which led to capturing the escaped spirit. The cause of Ayumi's crevice in the heart was the pressure of the third year runners, which caused guilt in her. She also had disbelief in her own ability to run.
[SPOILER ALERT] Aoyama (青山 美生)
VA : Aoi Yuuki

Job : Ex-celebrity
Age : 16
Birthday : 2 January
Class : 2-A
Bloodtype : A
Height : 149cm
Weight : 38kg
BWH : 74-54-77

An elitist daughter of Aoyama Central Industry's president. She is imperious and disdainful, being from a wealthy family.
[SPOILER ALERT] However, not known to the public, she is no longer rich. Keima discovers this after stalking her to a shabby apartment. Despite her financial situation Mio continues to think of herself as a rich woman and is unable to let go of her late fathers memory. In order to get closer to her Keima took on the role of her chauffeur and driving her to school in various bicycle/carriages. He then confronts her at a fancy party, convincing her to accept the past and move on. The cause of Mio's crevice in the heart was her stubborn belief in her father, not being able to let him go.
Kanon Nakagawa (中川 かのん)
VA : Nao Toyama

Job : Idol
Age : 16
Birthday : 3 March
Class : 2-B
Bloodtype : AB
Height : 161cm
Weight : 45kg
BWH : 86-58-85

The most popular idol for her quaint style, beauty and singing talents. She is also in Keima's homeroom but had not been attending frequently because of her idol occupation. Kanon hopes that her song would "resound in everyone's hearts".
[SPOILER ALERT] She is constantly anxious and dependent about the acknowledgment of her existence by others. When she feels ignored the spirit possessing her causes her body to appear transparent to others. Her lack of confidence is so great that when Keima first met her and didn't recognize her she buzzed him with a pair of stun guns that she carries. On the night of her premiere performance as an idol she was overcome with stage fright, (becoming nearly invisible) until Keima encouraged her to believe in herself, filling the gap in her heart. During the performance afterwards Kanon began to glow so brightly that it was hard to see her. Keima commented on this, saying that she was no longer and 'idol' but a 'star'. The cause of Kanon's crevice in the heart was her doubt of her existence as an idol.
[SPOILER ALERT] Shiomiya (汐宮 栞)
VA : Kana Hanazawa

Job : Library Committee Member
Age : 17
Birthday : 26 December
Class : 2-C
Bloodtype : B
Height : 157cm
Weight : 41kg
BWH : 78-54-80

A reticent girl who loves to read books. She is a member of the Library Committee, which acts as the governing body and librarian for the school library. Her official position is a secretary.
[SPOILER ALERT] She has always wanted to talk to others but finds that she cannot articulate as fast as her thought process, as a result by the time she has formulated a response to something, the conversation has already moved on. From the beginning, Keima immediately catches her attention and anger by saying that physical books are no longer necessary in a digital era. As Keima continues to vandalize the books in the library, she becomes more conversational each time. Near the end of her story arc, she learns that three thousand books are to be disposed of to accommodate an audio-visual booth. Protesting, she locks down the building and barricades herself in the library. After Keima literally descends into the library and gives her "courage", she finally overcomes her silence. The cause of Shiori's crevice in the heart was her wish to speak out her mind while having some doubts of receiving a good reply.
no... this is a review... not just our opinion...
so let's stick with this one...
nah, this review is full of spoilers... so just skip to the overall one if you don't want to be spoiled


Story (8/10)
The first season of 'KamiNomi" involves the capture of 4 girls, with 3 filler episodes
first, you need to know about that. Well, the girls are mentioned above and you even can see them in the Trailer or the OP song.

KamiNomi have such a good story, instead of being adapted from a great Manga... some people may despise it, but I think KamiNomi (Anime) is good enough to be watched. At first, anyone would think that TWGOK will nonethelessly predict about the story, I can't blame you, coz I did too.
haha... I just didn't like it when they have some stupid filler episodes (about Elsie... etc..) but eps 12 is an exception (God Capturing mode, dude! Can you feel the spirit?)

and as for this Anime Flag episodes, it's seems normal to me... and rather than hentai show "Yosuga no Sora" this Anime flag system is great. And yet Keima isn't a lucky bastard (like Rito - Motto To Love Ru) or some hentai bastard (Haru - Yosuga no Sora, even though their voice actor is a same person) and ... many others...
Keima is truly a god... despite me of being a god here (at Crane) he's the only male god I know (the female god is Haruhi) and he's truly a SHOUNEN Character, not a harem magnet / lucky bastard or anything. Ah... for your info, I don't know which is the game Keima playing, but it looks like he's playing the all-age one... just like Sugisaki Ken (Seitokai no Ichizon)

next is about the story development
the girls flag isn't monotone, they have their own pace and problems... which is not boring at all. Each one of the girls have interesting story... but their character will be explained below.
hmm, about the rest? I just wanna say that the Comedy is fine... and I'm always LOL-ed when Keima explain things to Elsie Galge-ly

I can't say too much about Story, as I forgot most of it (what dude? it's just finished airing and you forget already?) haha...
the only thing that echoing in my head is:
"I can already see the ending":fufufu:

Audio (8/10)
The OP in 'KamiNomi' can only be described as a "Masterpiece". The animation quality, atmosphere, song quality, song choice, originality, transition flow, audio-visual harmony, appropriateness, effectiveness as OP... just as perfect as Keima capturing god skill... Even me, willing to give the 10/10 score for this OP... (as Opening, not as a good song)
but the ED is mediocre... it's too futsuu... futsuu da... just like Falost, the mindmaster of this blog... hahaha... actually, the atmosphere and the animation quality are good (for ED)

and more decending points coming from the Seiyuu voice acting...
Keima voice is just retarded, whereas not make him look cool at all and for the girls.. ugh... I only remember the Elsie voice... which is great

as for BGM... hell I dun understand the awesomeness of BGM, so just let this one slide...

Visual (9/10)
hell yeah, finally 9 points for the art. The Character Design are perfect to me, as I don't really care about the nose or something trivial like that... and about the background, it's as good as the character... they just marvelous... well, you can't ask more for Fall Anime... let's hope winter one have better animation...

and yet, why I don't give a perfect score? coz, some act and flag is just boring at some points... the art isn't fully used as a great animation, maybe they just being lazy sometimes.

Character (7/10)

the characters were actually fine, but they lacked character development. By that I mean since they adopt the ''amnesia'' way of doing things, they destroy their only way to give some character developments to the secondary characters... since they forget everything and the main characters actually didn't have that much development in their personalities... well, I can let this slide coz this anime is readying for moar season and it'll be fine if they added some development at Keima, coz he's not improving or anything... he's just being a god at first till the rest of the Anime. But you can see he blushing at the very first episode of the Anime which is make him look futsuu (normal) not too unique. Well, that hole is plumped by his god skill so it's okay...
Plus, a lot of characters were quite clichéd , not offering an intense uniqueness...
not to mention, but they kind of boring (maybe coz I already played too many galge.. just like Keima)

Overall (8/10)

after thinking for a while, I'm decided to give this score to KamiNomi... not too high but not too low either... it's above normal though. As in the terms of recommendation, this anime is worth to watch it really have strong aura which make me watched it till the end:top:
at first, I'm watching the LQ one (not to mention that I have slow DL speed and have a little expectation for KamiNomi) but when I got the HQ one, I go all out with the downloading and dL the Chihiro one...

so, after all TWGOK / KamiNomi is great... aarghh... dunno what's there to say... anyway, just watch it and put your comments and thought here.

Recommended fansub: Chihiro


Cowboy by Bunkhouse

Today's Old Picture was taken at the Quarter Circle U Ranch in Big Horn County in Montana. The photo was taken in 1939. The cowboy is enjoying a smoke in front of the bunkhouse. One thing you can pretty much bet on is that he rolled that cigarette himself. I can remember growing up in the country back in the 60's, the ranch folks would never think about buying a store-made cigarette, they all rolled their own from a little pouch of Bull Durham. 

Funny thing happened to me yesterday. There are a bunch of old timers in the little town I live in who sit around and drink coffee. They used to sit in the coffee shop, and smoke cigarettes and drink coffee. I had noticed that they stopped going to the coffee shop, and then found that they had started gathering across the street at Ross's welding shop. Ross has a coffee pot, so they go over there and drink his coffee. It is cold in the welding shop so he has a little open flame propane heater set up for them and a little table. When I was in the welding shop yesterday, I noticed that all the old timers were smoking roll-your-own Bugler cigarettes instead of ready made ones. I am guessing that the old timers are getting hit by the higher prices such that they are now drinking free coffee and rolling their own cigarettes. I am wondering what a pack of cigarettes costs today. I have been told that a little pouch of chewing tobacco, that one would expect to be a dollar or two, is now up to costing $9.48. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Here's another restaurant review, like you give a shit

No one's reading this. You're all stuck with your parents somewhere trying desperately to get a flight to JFK because you're about to freak out and kill them or you're home waking and baking and watching Maury (SPOILER: In the case of Charmaine, YOU ARE NOT THE FATHER) or you're in Tahoe or God knows what else. You're not at work, which is where you'd be reading this under normal conditions. That's OK. I understand.

Last night was Moms' final night here in SF and she got it in her head that she wanted Burmese food, probably because that sounded like it would make a good story for her friends back in Arizona about Crazy Shit They Eat in SF. So I made a reservation at Mandalay to get our Burmese on.

DIGRESSION #1: Shouldn't it be called "Myanmarese" food now? I guess that's too hard to pronounce and plus we're sticking with "Burma" as a protest against the current junta or something.

DIGRESSION #2: I know you're inwardly screaming "Why didn't you go to Burma Super Star??!?!??," you little food-obsessed foodie snob. I'll tell you why. Last time I went to BSS I waited an hour and a half for what's essentially Thai food with different names. So fuck that. I made reservations at Mandalay that day, no problem. Reservations are an extremely good idea, as we will see.

Mandalay was fine. My impressions are: (1) The food's pretty good. Maybe really good. We had some noodle stuff that was pretty great and also Sizzling Beef which was exactly what it sounds like and also Mango Prawns which I didn't taste. I'm not super-into prawns. (2) Everything took a very long time. (3) It was FUCKING CROWDED, like jam packed.

What is the deal with this town and the fucking Burmese food? There was a crowd standing by the front door looking like they were going to leap on us and rip the fucking Nan Gyi Dok right out of our hands. Clumped together by the door, anxiously staring at the hostess each time she went to the clipboard. Jesus Christ, people, just go to one of the 2,786 Thai restuarants in this town. It's basically the same fucking food. And this is on a Monday night. I mean, really?

So yeah, if you have reservations and happen to be in the area, I guess it's worth going to. But if you're one of those people waiting an hour, took a long hard look at yourself and ask why. "WHYYYYY," ask yourself. "WHYYYY AM I DOING THIS." Then go get some Thai food like a rational human being.

Branding Calf

Today's picture was taken in 1939 on the Three Circle Ranch in Montana. It shows the cowboys branding a calf. Branding was started back in the days of the Open Range to allow ranchers to identify ownership of their cattle. Given that it is the "Three Circle" ranch, I assume they stamp each calf with three circles.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Xmas is over and it's time to bitch

Happy Monday. I hope you had a good Christmas or Chanukah or whatever the fuck you do. I wish I could say I was in a better mood but I've been drinking for like a week straight and I'm tired and cranky now.

Have you seen this ad?

What the fuck. First of all, if you've got robots that are so advanced that they can engage in robot hand-to-hand combat, wouldn't somebody have thought to install a Robot Destroyer Laser? I mean, these fuckers are million-dollar machines fighting with Stone Age technology. It's like having a steam-powered Blu-Ray player. "Hold on, we'll watch the rest of Avatar as soon as I put more coal in the boiler!"

Second thing: Jesus Christ, dude, did you know it's possible to fucking exist for more than 30 seconds without watching TV? It's a subpar sci-fi film, not a fucking dialysis machine. I think you can fucking live without this bullshit for the seconds it takes to make a cup of tea and get to the bedroom. Fuck.

Next: I occasionally listen to "Fresh Air" on NPR because I'm a Coastal Elite and that's how we do. I was just listening to the podcast from 12/23 because I obviously have nothing better to listen to this morning. So we have Music Critic Ken Tucker's list of the Best Albums of 2010 and boy is Ken Tucker wrong as fuck. His best album is by someone called Tracy Thorn. It's horrible. Here's a song from it. See what I mean?

Oh, as it turns out she's the chick from Everything But the Girl. Figures.

He also has Joanna Newsom on his list so you can tell he's showing off for other rock critics. The only people who listen to Joanna Newsom are rock critics and the mentally insane.

(I know this is going to make me sound pretentious as fuck, but I really liked Kanye's album. Also: The Monitor, by Titus Andronicus; This Is Happening, by LCD Soundsystem; Wavves' King of the Beach and a bunch of other stuff I'm not going to get into here because the last thing the world needs is another douchebag pontificating about music.)

Working Cowboy

Good Monday morning to you all. I hope a lot of you get this week off from work, to rest up a little for the new year. Roundup week continues with this picture of a working cowboy on horseback. The picture was taken 1939 at the Three Circle Roundup in Montana. I really love this picture, and believe it portrays what really made this country great. 

I noticed that yesterday we had a real cowboy commenting on the picture, Mr. 2lazy4u, of the 2lazy4u livestock and literacy company. When I saw his handle and company name, I recognized the genuine Cowboy Wit, and realized we were dealing with the real thing. Hopefully he will continue to share a little of his Cowboy Wit and Wisdom with us.

Kagamine Rin VN: Rin ga Utau, Mirai no Neiro (Partial Engrish)

the sequel from the previous VN...
but this time there's a big/little change...
there's Rin here... hawhawhaw...

and now for some info, this game is moar ecchi than it's prequel
Mirai no Kimi to, Subete no Uta ni
just click it for good... haha

Developer : Suplement Time
Genre : Comedy, ADV
Language : Japanese (there's partial English Patch)

Known as Vocaloid 2nd game from supplement time and the 3rd is about Megurine Luka ^^
hay2.. just wait for the english patch... and also project zoom909's going to finish this VN ASAP...

Sample Picture
if you wondering why these pics are all about Miku, then you need to be consulted... hahaha... that's coz project zoom909 is currently translating this game... and only the partial patch are out... so... let's stick with Miku for a while... or not... here's some eh... one... haha... only one

Download Links

for Indonesian, here's IDWS link
Password:" miku miku ni shite ageru "
NOTE: there's a space on the password, try with front only space, back only space, and both spaces...

(by Wuhugm, god of VN)
rar password : rinchan

Patch (Partial): MF


this post will be updated later... after the final patch is out and after I play it...
and also today is Rin Len birthday...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (thx to exilo for reminding me)

one moar present from our group (I'm looking for old archive and here's what I found)


[Circus] Da Capo I.F. (Engrish)

Hai2... coming with moar Da capo... go go da capooo!!!

Original Title: D.C.I.F.~ダ・カーポ~イノセントフィナーレ
Developer: Circus
Release Date (PC): 2010/11/30
Translator: Mangagamer
Text: English
Voice Acting: Japanese
Size : 602.74Mb


Alternative setting to Da Capo staging Kotori Shirakawa as the main heroine, with a completely rewritten scenario.

The scene takes place after the graduation ceremony. After being crowned at the school beauty contest, Kotori confesses to Jun'ichi, or rather, she intends to. At that time, something happens to Nemu...


Shirakawa Kotori

The idol of Kazami Academy, Kotori is beautiful, talented, and kind to
everyone she meets. She fell in love with the pure-hearted but distant
Jun'ichi, and determined to confess her feelings to him at the school
beauty pageant, but...
In this story, Kotori faces trials and tribulations of her own.

Asakura Jun'ichi

The main character, Jun'ichi is a well meaning but distant sort, whose
catch phrase is "What a pain in the neck." He is able to create Japanese
sweets by magic.

Asakura Nemu

Nemu is Jun'ichi's adopted sister. She is often mean if not outright
abusive to him, and while she keeps the house in order, she is barred
from the kitchen as her cooking is lethal. Nemu is at the heart of the
game's story.

Yoshino Sakura

Sakura is Jun'ichi's cousin and a childhood friend to him and Nemu.
She calls Jun'ichi 'Onii-chan', and looks up to him as a brother.


Kudou is one of Jun'ichi's best friends and classmates, and also close to
Kotori and Suginami. However, Kudou seems to be hiding something
from the group...


Suginami is Jun'ichi's classmate, and the two are friends of a love/hate
variety. Suginami has an eccentric personality that is difficult to
comprehend, but his skills at gathering information and pulling off great
feats are amazing.

Shirakawa Koyomi

Koyomi is Kotori's older sister and a former teacher at Kazami Academy.
She has a bold personality, but is fiercely loyal to and protective of her
little sister.

Saeki Kanako, aka "Mikkun"

Mikkun has been one of Kotori's best friends since childhood.
They're in the same band, along with Tomo-chan, and Mikkun plays

Morikawa Tomoko, aka "Tomo-chan"

Tomo-chan is Kotori's other best friend, playing guitar in the band
along with Tomo-chan and Kotori.

Download Links

yeah Junichi... Download links is awesome
Part 1
Part 2

Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

RENAME it like this:
and extract using 7zip

or another MediaFire

put it in the game folder



Final Words

hell... can't really say anything... coz I accidentaly publish this post when I don't want to...

