Saturday, September 25, 2010

Finally Touhou has an anime....

I'm just passing by and kind enough to give you all an info from "sankaku" (if you never heard the news about it ) as you can see on the title,it's "touhou".

Anyone knows touhou ? if not I just tell you the very-very-very short explanation... :
Touhou is the most craziest doujin game ever.

Why I said craziest ? because It is veeeeery HARD ! Even for EASY difficulty it the same as VERY HARD (most people says that,I never play one..... I'm still downloading it.....)

The game itself is a classic shooter game (you know like an old shooter game.....) eventough there is another genre like fighting ....

The one thing is... all the character is female.... and they are MANY !

By the way.... does anyone knows why there is a MAN when I say that ALL the character are FEMALE ?

But first...... does anyone know who the HECK is he ?

If not..... then you are a NOOB in anime world.

His name is Tencho (literary it means store manager in japanese.... because his job is a "tencho").
He is a mascot character of one of the famous anime store in Japan, the Animate.
But he is more recognized in anime Lucky Star.

I don't really know whether he will really appear in Touhou anime or not....
But in "sankaku" it says that the anime project is intended to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Animate (so... it is probably the reason for his appearance .... maybe.....)

well... let's just wait......

as usual... I'm too lazy to edit if there is something "wrong"...

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