Sunday, September 12, 2010

Coney Island

Good Sunday Morning to you all. We kick the week off here at OPOD with this picture of children riding ponies on Coney Island. The picture was taken in 1904. I know Coney Island was a big deal for a long time, but don't know what they have going on there now. This is a great picture, and I like looking at all the people and clothes.

Domestic Update:

It was a rough week out in Chickie Town. First, on Tuesday morning, I noticed one of Mis Kitty's baby peacocks was missing. We could not find any sign of it. I did remember hearing an owl that night, so I am afraid that the owl got the baby. Then on Thursday one of our favorite chickies, Miss Nelly, died. It looks like she got egg bound. This sometimes happens when they do not get enough calcium. The feed we give them is a "complete" mix, so should have the calcium that they need. I admit we give them lots of treats, so perhaps they have been eating too many treats and not enough of the real feed. Anyway, I have put some crushed oyster shells out for them, and that should give them plenty of calcium. While we hate to lose the birds, the flock continues.

OK, now I am going to give you a heads up that there will be a major domestic update in the next week. I can not tell you what it is, but can say that at any time I might interrupt normally scheduled programming to bring you a MAJOR news flash. Stay tuned!

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