Thursday, July 1, 2010

Weatherford Texas

This picture was taken in 1939, and shows a group of men at a Farmer's Market. You can see that someone has brought a calf to sell. It looks small enough that it could be butchered at home. Also note that everyone in the picture is very trim.

Domestic Update:

OK, I think it is important that we understand the nomenclature, so for your viewing pleasure, I present my "grubbing hoe" below. You notice that one side has a flat, sharp head. This is used to get up things like prickly pear. Prickly Pear has a big heavy root, and you need to get the root up, you you have to use this end to grub down so you can pull the whole mess out.

Notice that the other end has a sharp point, or pick. The pick is used to pry rocks out of the ground. You hit the ground with it right next to the rock, and then pry the rock out. Notice the ground around the grubbing hoe does not have any prickly pear or big rocks. This is in the circle in front of our house. It was covered with  cactus, lots of big rocks, algarita bushes, and tassajia. This summer I have been working to clear all this mess out from in front of the house. With the nice rains the last few days, the native buffalo and mesquite grass should come in quiet nicely, and make the circle look good. I don't plan on watering it, but as it rains, it will green up.

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