Friday, June 18, 2010

Today in Missed Connections

Need help! Any Stanford Students? - 32 (NYC, NY)

Hi, I am looking for Stanford Univ. students, who can help over 100 thousand people out of the chaos.
What you have to do is just verify a couple information which will be provided thru email.
If you want to be a hero, please reply. Thank you.

Location: NYC, NY
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

Are you a Stanford student? Well, why don't you help this guy out? Are you some kind of a douche, or don't you want to help 100 thousand people out of the chaos? Why don't you think about somebody besides yourself for once? C'mon, you can verify a couple information thru email, can't you?

I'm tempted to write this guy. I'm not a Stanford student, but I like helping people out of the chaos. Is it 5 yet? Can I have a beer at my desk? That would be bad, wouldn't it.

Have a nice weekend. Don't eat too much cake.

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