Saturday, June 19, 2010

A semi-satirical imagined Rush Limbaugh rant

"And what about the handicapped? Riding around in those wheelchairs all day? LAZY-CAPPED is more like it. Hey, you big baby, get out of your damn chair and get a job! You don't see the rest of us wheeling around all day in our little motorized scooters! Hey, I have an idea. Why don't you go around and collect shopping carts that the fake homeless leave everywhere? You've already got a little scooter with a motor. Get a whole bunch of them and make a long train of them and motor them over to the grocery store. They'll probably give you a buck a cart or something.

"I am sick of these leeches lazing around a contributing nothing to society. Get out of your stupid wheelchair and work for a living, you loser. Why are my taxes supporting you? Why don't you support yourself for a change?"

"I'm hungry and I need to get married again. We'll be back after this message."

(In case you hadn't heard, this.)

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