Tuesday, June 29, 2010

San Antonio Farmer's Market

Today's picture was taken in 1939, and shows a Farmer's Market in San Antonio Texas. The men are selling onions from the back of their truck.

I notice in looking at these old pictures that people used to be a lot thinner than they are today. I sometimes wonder if they were not getting enough to eat, or if they were just eating a lot healthier and working a lot harder.

Domestic Update:

Well, we had some excitement out in Chickie Town yesterday. I heard some honking and commotion out there, and Mrs. PJM went out to see what was going on. What she found was that a big Bull Snake had chased Elly May off her nest, and was trying to eat her eggs. I ran out with a grubbing hoe, and chopped the snakes head off. It took Elly May a while to settle down, but she did go back and sit on the nest. No eggs were damaged, but I am not sure how long she was off the nest, and whether the excitement caused any problems with the eggs. We will keep you posted.

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