Monday, May 3, 2010

I'm going to be vegetarian this week for no particular reason

So I'm running a little experiment and going vegetarian for one week.

"Why are you doing this?" said The Sister. We were out at Dolores Park yesterday in the OPPRESSIVE, ALMOST UNBEARABLE 68 degree heat. She's a nutritionist and has advised me that I need like mad protein just to get by. "Is this some kind of weight loss thing?"

(Incidentally, when you get a group of about 10 people and 6 dogs together in Dolores Park, the main activity is yelling names of dogs and trying to keep them from going to some other group and sweating them for their sandwiches. Eventually Shaia, Leland, Django, Billie, Todd, and Lucy settled down a little, but it took a while.)

(Also incidentally, for some reason Shaia's leash ended up tied to Lucy's leash, Shaia's a labradoodle and is about 65 pounds. Lucy is some kind of pug mix and is about 10 pounds. I didn't realize they were tied together and tossed Shaia's ball and YOINK poor Lucy got dragged along as Shaia went for the ball. SORRY, LUCY.)

"Nah," I said. "I don't know why. Just for fun, I guess. Just to see if I can do it."

She made a frowny face and told me it wasn't a good idea for my metabolism. Hey, it's just a week, I can't die, right?

As it happens, we went to Greens on Friday night with Stephen and Jessica, who are both vegetarians. We all agreed that it wasn't very good. Sadly, I think the cheese plate was the best thing we got. The wine was good, though.

SO, so far so good, but it's only been a couple of days. I don't think it's going to be hard at all, though.

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