Monday, January 25, 2010

Mom doesn't talk much, but she's very pleasant to be around!

The world is so much fucking weirder than you thought. Exhibit A:

Nancy "Sunny" Bostrom, whom police briefly labeled a "person of interest" last year after her mother's mummified corpse was found seated in the living room of her Piedmont home, is running for City Council in the East Bay town.

Bostrom came to the cops' attention in February when the body of Patricia Bostrom, who had not been seen by neighbors for six years, was found in a chair in her unlocked, two-story house at Highland and Blair avenues.

Police suspect that Patricia Bostrom, who was about 82 when she was last heard from, had been dead for years.

An autopsy concluded she had died of natural causes, however, and the only crime cops came up with was the moving of a dead body. And, "we could never prove Nancy did it because she denied her mother was even dead to begin with," police Capt. John Hunt said.
You know what would look good in the living room with those drapes? MY MOTHER'S MUMMIFIED CORPSE, THAT'S WHAT.

Hey, I've heard of politicians having skeletons in the closet, but never a mummified parent in the living room!!! WOCKA WOCKA!!!!

What else, what else? Oh, here's one! Multi-gajillionaire and ugly-haired gubernatorial aspirant Meg Whitman has advice for you poors and others who don't have mansions and private jets: Just be more frugal! I guess being frugal doesn't rule out spending $39 million on your own campaign for governor. Scrimp and save, that's the ticket!

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