Friday, September 25, 2009

So the Giants go gently into that good night or whatever

Although I think the Giants' season really ended on September 8, when Kevin Frandsen couldn't even get a fucking bunt attempt down in a must-win game, it sure felt like it ended again last night when reality-show-appearing, Ed-Hardy-wearing, big-arm-tattoo-having Brian Wilson blew his seventh save at the worst possible time and gave up the game-winning home run to some guy no one's ever heard of.

Then, just to compound the agony, Aaron Rowand came on in the bottom of the ninth with 2 on and looked at two strikes and then swung at one that was aimed somewhere in the vicinity of section 112. Oh, Aaron Rowand.

So that leaves Your San Francisco Giants 4 games back in the wild card race (behind even ATLANTA, can you believe it) with 9 games left.

I don't know what to make of Brian Wilson. Sure, he has 36 saves, good enough to be tied for 4th in the National League. And he has a pretty amazing 1.27 ERA over the last 19 appearances. But those 7 blown saves! I know that, comparatively, it's not a ton (saves leader Heath Bell has 6, after all), but it just seems like they come at the worst possible time.

ANYWAY. No one thought the Giants would be playing meaningful baseball in September, so it's all gravy. I'm gonna go out the old ballyard and see Lincecum take on Zambrano tonight anyway.
Oh, check this out. On April 4, Bruce Jenkins doth writeth:

"The pitching will be superb (look for 12-14 wins out of Barry Zito), Pablo Sandoval will hit .338 and Bengie Molina will symbolize the team's heart. It's an improved lineup, but none of these guys will clear 20 homers, and at some point, it will make sense to make Jesus Guzman (pretty much lost as a fielder) a pinch-hitter off the bench."

The pitching has been superb (Zito has 10 wins and may still get to 12, believe it or not). Sandoval is batting .326, not far off. Molina pretty much has been the team's heart. Panda has 22 homers, but who woulda thunk it? And who the hell is Jesus Guzman?

Happy Friday, everyone! 19-pound babies! Confusing and boring Qaddafi speeches! Ole Miss in the Top 5! What a world.

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