Monday, July 6, 2009

At least I didn't break anything, as far as I know

Well, that was a long weekend.

The Wife and I kicked it off with a miserable experience Thursday night at Salt House. SH is owned by the same people who own Town Hall, which we loved, so we were expecting a great meal. WRONG. My chicken was so dry it was actually hard to chew, and The Wife got this polenta that was saturated with cheese to the point of being cloying. Oh, and the service pretty much sucked too. I don't know if the waitress had too many tables or what, but everything took goddam forever. Bad service. It's my curse.

Then my jacket got stolen at Annabelle's but I guess that's not technically Annabelle's fault.

Saturday we had a big July 4th cookout at our place. I'm not sure how between the two of us we spent over $500 on this but I do note that the assembled crowd went through 3 pounds of Whole Foods grass-fed organic beef, a bunch of sausages, a pack of veggie burgers, some veggie dogs, 2 bottles of Pimm's No. 1, 6 or 7 bottles of wine (I think), 3 cases of beer (or maybe more, it was a little hazy, as you might be able to gather at this point), one large vat of homemade potato salad (which was awesome, BTW, and I will be making more of soon), and so on and so on. Nothing like grilled burgers, right?

Around 10 pm things were winding down but no stopping the party, right? So The Wife took off with a few others for Debaser whilst me and Stoney and The Sister cabbed over to Solstice where more drinks were consumed and maybe bad choices made. I finally saw The Wife again when she got home from Debaser at like 3.

Yesterday we laid around all day and did nothing. It's agreed: We've gotta make some changes in our lives.

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