Saturday, May 9, 2009

Leprechaun Man strikes again

Super Hot Irish Girlfriend says that she believes God is running out of extras to populate her life, because she sees the same people all over the place. Totally true.

The one extra in the movie of my life that is getting way too much work is this guy I call Leprechaun Man because, well, he looks like a leprechaun. He's short and has one of those chin beards with no moustache.

I see him in my work neighborhood pretty regularly, but the weird part is when he pops up unexpectedly, like once when SHIG and I were having brunch in Cole Valley and BOOM! there he was, with his kids (or at least I assumed they were his kids). Another time I was downtown on my way to the movie theater in the Westfield Center and BOOM! there's Leprechaun Man on the sidewalk going the other way.

SO TODAY, I took Leland to the beach which was awesome and fun as always. So we're driving back on Divisadero and there's this ASSHOLE trying to get over in my lane and cut me off. DON'T FUCK WITH ME IN TRAFFIC MOTHERFUCKER. I WILL CUT A BITCH.

We get up to the light at Divis and Haight and I look over and by now you can guess who it was. LEPRECHAUN MAN IS STALKING ME. It's officially weird now.

SHIG and 5 other chicks left this morning at 10 a.m. in a limo to go wine tasting in Sonoma. Any bets on whether they're lit now? It's like 1:30 p.m. No one? No takers? Smart.

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