Wednesday, April 8, 2009

This is some straight-up Discovery Channel shit

So I heard this unbelievable yowling sound coming from outside my bedroom window this morning and opened the blinds to see WTF is was and it was TWO CATS FUCKING. Naturally, I grabbed the camera.

We've seen this black cat in our backyard for a while. Actually, I gave him some food last weekend when he was around. PLAYA GOTTA EAT!!!

I love how bored the chick cat looks. She's all "Can we just get this over with?" You can't see it in this pic, but she has a collar. Playboy doesn't, of course. BIG SURPRISE FOR GIRL CAT FAMILY SOON!!!!

Turning to non-cat-fucking-related news, HOW 'BOUT THEM GIANTS? Forget starting pitching; we'll just hit 3 or 4 dingers every game and win with the long ball.

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