Monday, April 27, 2009

Stay inside! Don't speak to anyone! Avoid travel!

Thanks, media, for serving up a new disease panic! Guess it's a slow news day and people are bored of the global financial crisis anyway. Remember all the friends and relatives you lost to SARS and Bird Flu and flesh-eating bactera? Well, Swine Flu is here to finish off everyone else. Make sure to wear a mask and take a ton of Tamiflu!

Good weekend. Friday night, went to Art Explosion, which is basically an open studios thing where you can wander around and drink free wine and check out a bunch of artists' stuff. Our friend Ehren was one of the artists who has a studio there and so I saw her and then looked around at some other stuff. I ended up buying some little cartoon kind of things from Telephone and Soup.

Then Olu and Gabe and Brett and I left and went to Shotwell's, which used to be Inner Mission but now is Shotwell's but is still basically the same bar. Had a couple of beers there and went home.

Saturday, after band practice, Super Hot Irish Girlfriend and I went to Contigo in Noe Valley. We were lucky enough to sit at the bar because the bartender took a liking to us and gave us tastings of all the Cavas he had and was totally cool to hang out and talk with because it wasn't so busy yet.

The food was really good, too. We had the albondingas, which are little lamb and pork meatballs, patatas bravas, and a little pork belly sandwich. Oh, and some jamon serrano. The only quibble I have is that the portions seemed really small. Now, I know they're supposed to be small and they're authentic tapas and blah blah blah but when you're paying $7 each you're still a little surprised by how small they are. Anyway, totally not a big deal and I'm sure we'll go back.

Yesterday was Whole Foods and a Locked Up Abroad marathon. So there's the weekend.

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