Monday, March 30, 2009

Almost famous

- Let's get this out of the way first. I didn't feel it. I don't really get out of bed for anything less than a 5.0, though.

- So on Saturday I was over at my friends' Stephen and Jessica's place (I'm not even gonna try and figure out how to punctuate that correctly or whatever) and, as it turns out, when Stephen was younger, like around 22, he was living in LA and he got approached and asked to be in a music video. It was for some French pop singer chick named Buzy. Anyway, he finally got his hands on the video and we saw it. In it, Stephen (who, at the time, sorta looked like Rob Lowe) walks down a Lonely Desert Road and stares meaningfully into middle distance. HOT!

I'm going to try to get them to put it on YouTube so we can all enjoy. Until Buzy's people come along and make them take it down. Buzy.

- I spent an hour on the phone with T-Mobile this morning and now my old cell number is FINALLY ported over to my new G1 phone, which is sweet and I'm in love with it and everything, but it's kind of weird because I usually don't get all fanboy about tech gadgets. Anyway, T-Mobile kept apologizing and whatever and at one point, the woman who was helping me this morning said, "Well, I'll tell you one thing - Cynthia will never forget me!!" I didn't ask who Cynthia was or why she'd never forget T-Mobile Lady but I gather there was some unpleasantness with my old carrier.

- The Amuse-bouche guy was manning his usual spot outside 24th St. BART this morning, but I didn't stop today so I don't know what he had. If he's there tomorrow, I'll totally stop.

- Opening Day Countdown: 8 days away.

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