Monday, January 19, 2009

Weekend in Review

Friday evening around 5:40 found Super Hot Irish Girlfriend and I at the Argus Lounge on Mission for some pre-dinner drinks. Notable: Stack of Playboys on the bar; enormous yellow Lab brought in by customer; Trumer Pils on tap.

Dinner was at the Blue Plate up the street. Notable: Excellent meatloaf; very good focaccia; pretty good pork.

Then drinks at Knockout back down the street. I've only been to Knockout when it was really really really crowded, so it was kind of nice to go and sit at the bar and enjoy it as a bar and not a jampacked sweatfest. Notable: Hipsters!

Saturday I met up with SHIG after band practice at the 3300 Club, a pretty awesome dive where we were the youngest people there. Notable: The guy with the pronounced Scottish brogue telling a profanity-laced story at TOP FUCKING VOLUME. Also, when SHIG declined to order anything by saying "I'm fine," the bartender replying "I know you are, love." Awesome.

So we were going to go get some Japanese but decided at the last minute to go to Emmy's instead. Amazingly, there was no wait. That's never happened before. Notable: The Ruby Red Martini. DFL. The food was just OK. Also, Hipsters!

Then we went to Oakland to see our friends The Morning Line at the Starry Plough. They sounded great, especially considering they hadn't played a show in like a year. Notable: One girl dancing like a grasshopper on meth. She was very enthusiastic!

Yesterday I went back to the East Bay to watch some NFL playoffs at Stephen and Jessica's. Then we went to eat at Filippo's in Rockridge. It was better than I expected, for sure. Notable: The chicken piccata was delicious. The gnocchi it came with was good, too, but the pesto sauce left a little to be desired.

After-dinner drinks down the street at McNally's, which feels more or less like every bar I went to when I was a freshman in college. Notable: Another enormous fucking yellow Lab. Where are these people getting all these pony-sized Labrador Retrievers?

So, as is apparent, that's a lot to pack into one weekend. Luckily today is a holiday and I can sleep in, right? WRONG. Apparently it's not a holiday for the construction crew that's disassembling the sidewalk in front of my house beginning at 8 a.m. Fuck.

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