Friday, June 20, 2008

Viva la revolucion!

Happy Friday, everyone!

Here's my favorite Craigslist post today:

Reward $1000 - 33 (Kearny and Colombus)

Reply to:
Date: 2008-06-20, 8:17AM PDT

A thin. athletic black man about 5'7" to 5'9" punched a girl in the face in front of Tommaso's restaurant, and assaulted her male friend in front of a large crowd of witnesses.

His white friend, 5'6 to 5'8" thinner still, with light brown to redish hair with some manicured facial hair, wearing a beret, participated in the assault and helped the other man flee the crime scene, before fleeing himself.

These men are wanted by the police.

$1000 and limitless Karma for information leading to his arrest.

Hmmmm...manicured facial hair and wearing a beret?

I gotta say, though, Tommaso's does make an awesome pizza.

What's everyone doing this weekend? I plan on decamping to my overgrown backyard after work and enjoying some kind of tourist-in-Cabo blended fruity drink. It's 85 fucking degrees!

In a completely unrelated story, I'd like to give a shout-out to Morty's Deli, on Golden Gate and Hyde in the Tenderloin. Great sandwiches and salads. During the school year, it's usually mobbed by kids from the nearby Hastings law school, but right now it's ideal. It's little businesses like this that make me think there's hope for the TL. I just stopped by today and had the Little Italy, with salami, coppicola, pepperoni, provolone, and some kind of sweet/hot peppers that were delicious and crunchy.

Just to remind you where you are, though, just after I left, I was approached by a tweaker with about 8 teeth who offered to sell me some "kick-ass CDs" that he had in a small fabric case. I have a feeling they weren't from his personal collection.

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