Thursday, May 15, 2008

95 degrees

That's right. 95 degrees in motherfucking San Francisco. Now, that wouldn't be MAJOR FUCKING NEWS in Bullhead City, Arizona or even Riverside, but here in the city, we like our coffee expensive, our beer obscure, and our climate cold.

The good news: I like it. I grew up in the South, where 95 was a nice cool break in the weather during the summer. Add 80% humidity and then we'll talk. So I like these twice-a-year spells of extraordinarily hot weather. It's nice to be outside at night and not be wearing 4 layers of clothes. In May. Oh, also: chixx break out the tiny clothes. Nice.

The bad news: The guy I saw in Civic Center Plaza today who looked like Popeye with all the juice sucked out of him and was not wearing a shirt. Hey, sport, I respect the fact that you're 90 years old and have earned the right to go commando on a hot day, but seriously, do it at home.

Went to the Giants game last night. Never put a jacket on the whole time I was there. Fuck, that's nice. Meanwhile, the bullpen blew the tie and we lost.

And what's this I hear today? Lincecum leaves in the 6th with a 7-3 lead, striking out 10, and now you mean to tell me the fucking bullpen is blowing it again? Fuck.

In other news, did you happen to hear something about the gays today? I can't seem to find any information on it.

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