Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What's going on now

- Now contemplating buying: So, just as I predicted, they will begin selling single-day tickets to the SF Outside Lands Festival tomorrow. Here are the daily lineups.

I'm going to go Friday, 8/22, I think. Radiohead, Beck, Cold War Kids. Sounds like a plan. That's going to sell out hella quick, though, so you best get 'em tomorrow.

Sunday looks pretty good too, except for Jack Johnson. Wilco, Broken Social Scene, Andrew Bird.

- Now reading: Slash's "book", in the sense that a book is a collection of words bound between two covers.

Yeah, it's pretty bad. Here's a synopsis, if you don't want to take the time: I drank a half-gallon of Stoli and then played a show. Did some heroin. Kicked heroin in a few days. Started doing heroin again. Kicked heroin again. Axl is an asshole.

-Now listening to: Vampire Weekend.

I know, I know, overhyped, blah blah blah. It's really a shame, because this is just a shimmery, fun, bright summery pop album. It sucks that it got weighted down with all the hype and now the inevitable backlash is in full swing and I know they're a bunch of toffs who went to Columbia but FUCK can't we just enjoy something anymore? FUCK. It's just an album, it's not a cultural signifier.

- Now bemoaning: Barry Zito.

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