Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Oh Noes

Your 2008 Giants: always finding new ways to lose.

Not satisfied with simply lying down and scoring no runs, last night the G's actually made it interesting against the Dodgers. Cain - who, after last year and then last night must believe that God hates him with a passion - pitched well, giving up 3 hits and no runs in 5 2/3. Giants scored 2 in the 7th and you think, "Hey! Maybe there's some life in this ballclub!"

Then Brad Hennessey arrives on the scene.

How's this for a line: 2/3 inning, 4 hits, 2 earned runs, 27.00 ERA.

Oh well. At least my entire section at the ballyard will be empty in August. I'll have plenty of room to spread out.

In other news, I went to an art opening last night and by that I mean "My sister told me that she would be at an art opening 3 blocks from my house in a bar."

Anyway, there was some cool stuff. The artist is Michelle White, and you can find her stuff here.

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