Thursday, August 11, 2011

Civil War Veterans

Today's picture was submitted by Duene, and she provided the following information:

This is a picture of my great uncle Henry Albert Dixon - Henry is on the left. Henry was a soldier in the 73rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War.

After the war, Henry Dixon served as a Justice of the Peace for 20 years and attended many patriotic gatherings. He was called on to speak at political rallies and was an ardent Republican. When in his 90's, Henry Dixon returned to the Battlefield at Bull Run nearly 75 years after he had fought there. Later that year, he and W.B Southerton, a fellow Civil War veteran, unveiled a monument dedicated to Civil War veterans in Athens, Ohio.

He made it a point to celebrate "Decoration Day" every chance he could get. Apparently, he was very popular. This was especially true because he was one of the oldest civil war veterans in the Athens-Meigs county area.

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